New Home Builder says I have to use his lender for purchase financing. Is this true?

Here is a previous post describing this exact situation, builders steering buyers into working with their lender. Know this- everything in a real estate purchase contract is negotiable, everything. No real estate agent, broker, or builder can dictate who you use for financing for your home purchase. That choice entirely yours to make. New home builders do have what are called affiliated business relationships with banks who offer residential financing or they’ll partner with just one mortgage bank and basically mandate that you get a second pre-qualification through that particular lender as well is offer you additional perks ie lender credits or builder credits, so long as you work with that particular lender.

Here’s the truth: you can work with your own lender and still negotiate any particular credits you’re looking for such as upgrades on the home, credits for closing costs etc. anyway.

Another tip on working with builders is that they will blatantly tell you you’ll get a better deal if you work with their sales agent at the subdivision. This is true, but you always get what you pay for. In other  words, the sales agent is representing both the seller and you, they have the same allegiance to both parties, how can they be your fiduciary by being responsible for two people at the same time with equal interests? In short, they can’t, meaning one party is going to receive better representation than the other one especially in a new home situation. Ask yourself this:  who writes the paycheck for the sales agent? Who do you think they’re more allegiant to the end of the day?  Outside real estate agents are paid solely by representing you.

By working with your own real estate agent and your own lender, you should still be able to purchase a new home with competitive terms.

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