The Mortgage Files

Nationally syndicated mortgage news and advice from Senior Loan Officer Scott Sheldon.

How do determine whether not you have a property tax bill due

How do determine whether not you have a property tax bill due

By Scott Sheldon / October 10, 2021

Property taxes are due twice a year in April and December. The county in which you purchased a home sends out these tax bills by the annual property taxes. If you’re a homeowner here’s what you need to know and how property tax bills relate to them being due. There are a few different categories…

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Tax Forms and Tax Losses

Tax return losses may hurt your mortgage chances

By Scott Sheldon / May 23, 2017

Qualifying for a mortgage involves: an acceptable credit score, sufficient assets and stable income. These are to show you can support a mortgage payment, plus other liabilities. You must have a balance of all three to successfully qualify for financing. The following is what you must know when trying to qualify with “paper losses” on…

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