The Mortgage Files

Nationally syndicated mortgage news and advice from Senior Loan Officer Scott Sheldon.

Scott Sheldon's The Mortgage FIles Blog

Its Not Just Your Credit Score That Counts For Getting A Mortgage

By Scott Sheldon / May 18, 2014

The credit and financial choices you make today shape your future chances of procuring credit. If have a tarnished credit history, while you still may be able to qualify, it will be a document heavy process. Little lending nuances that may arise if you have credit inconsistencies… Your Credit History Matters Importance of credit is…

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Scott Sheldon's The Mortgage FIles Blog

What's the minimum credit score for getting an FHA mortgage?

By Scott Sheldon / December 17, 2012

You will need to have a middle credit score of 620 or better for an FHA mortgage. Additionally, this is for single-family residences and you have to have two months of mortgage payments saved/liquid in the bank. 620 FHA credit scores are good I’m purchase transactions on loans to $417,000.

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