The Mortgage Files

Nationally syndicated mortgage news and advice from Senior Loan Officer Scott Sheldon.

Should you buy a single family or mobile home?

What type of mortgage lender are you looking for?

By Scott Sheldon / February 13, 2022

Not all mortgage companies are the same. What type of lender or mortgage professional you work with can make the difference between you being successful in your home-buying endeavor or not. You want a lender, or someone working on your behalf who has the “whatever it takes” approach to helping you with financing. No matter…

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These ridiculous things could be needed to buy a home

These ridiculous things could be needed to buy a home

By Scott Sheldon / March 27, 2016

It is no secret getting approved for a mortgage loan requires a fair amount of paperwork. Here is what you should know if there if there is anything questionable in your past… When you apply for a mortgage for the first time or you’re a little rusty on the process, it’s reasonable to expect some…

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