The Mortgage Files

Nationally syndicated mortgage news and advice from Senior Loan Officer Scott Sheldon.

Why your income is the biggest driver of purchasing power

Why are current mortgage rates so high?

By Scott Sheldon / November 6, 2022

People who are thinking about getting a mortgage to buy or refinance a home are having shell shock relating to the costs associated with doing a mortgage transaction. It’s not as simple as inflation to why mortgage rates are so high. Here’s some information that explains not only why mortgage rates are so high, but…

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You just got notice to vacate, should you buy a house or continue to rent?

You just got notice to vacate, should you buy a house or continue to rent?

By Scott Sheldon / July 3, 2022

If you are presently renting and you received notification that your lease is no longer going to be renewed. Do you buy a new house to live in or continue renting? Here are some things to consider as it relates to deciding what you and your family should do big picture. Buying a house might…

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Why not all first time homebuyer programs are created equal

Why not all first time homebuyer programs are created equal

By Scott Sheldon / April 10, 2022

If you are just starting in life and trying to get your footprint in the real estate climate; the information in this post is for you. Everyone must start somewhere and buy that first home. That first home is always the big one it is by far the hardest and most emotional. It can also…

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buy a home now vs waiting

Here’s what you should be focused on when buying a home and it’s not the purchase price

By Scott Sheldon / April 5, 2019

Buying a home for the first time or even a second or third time is a detailed and meticulous endeavor that should be carefully considered by weighing out all your options. Consider this when buying a home with a mortgage… The problem homebuyers can sometimes run into is it they get so wrapped around the…

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fannie mae debt to income ratio change

Can You Borrow A Down Payment To Buy A Home ?

By Scott Sheldon / December 7, 2015

Planning to buy a home sometime soon? If you’re working on the down payment, know what you can and cannot do with your bank. Here are the top 4 ways to borrow the cash needed for a home… 401k/Retirements or Liquid Assets- this option remains a viable source to procure down payment funds to buy…

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Scott Sheldon's The Mortgage FIles Blog

Are You Sure Renting Still Makes Sense?

By Scott Sheldon / December 7, 2014

Many millions of consumers who either previously owned a home or have never owned a home before  are all too familiar with the financial drain renting poses. Here’s four renting realities consumers face… Your Home Is Controlled By Your Landlord A legal right to occupy the property does not not include making changes to the…

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Scott Sheldon's The Mortgage FIles Blog

Are There Any More First Time Home Buyer Loans?

By Scott Sheldon / November 4, 2014

Unfortunately not, there is no specific Santa Rosa or Sonoma County first Time home buyer program available anymore. Down payment assistance options come in the form of pulling money out of retirement accounts such as stocks, bonds, IRA and 401(k) options. Another fantastic source for a down payment is gift funds. Many potential homebuyers are…

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