The Mortgage Files

Nationally syndicated mortgage news and advice from Senior Loan Officer Scott Sheldon.

fha rule mortgage loan

This FHA lender rule could be problematic for your mortgage

By Scott Sheldon / March 26, 2023

If you’re applying for a residential mortgage loan and you’re looking at an FHA loan to purchase or refinance a home this lender requirement could be problematic for you as it relates to qualifying… All FHA Mortgage Lenders in the United States use a system by Hud called FHA Connection.  Its database is used to…

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FHA LOANS for 2020 and beyond to buy or refinance

All about FHA Loans for 2020 and beyond

By Scott Sheldon / July 3, 2020

One of the most popular mortgage loan programs continues to be popular especially amongst first time home buyers is the FHA loan. FHA Loans can help bridge the gap between renting and owning an offer numerous benefits. It is prudent as an informed consumer to know the mechanics of how FHA Loans work and all…

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The equity percentage you need for a big mortgage is less than you think

By Scott Sheldon / February 16, 2017

Most people will tell you that you must have excellent credit and a big down payment to secure a larger mortgage. The reality is that while having a big chunk of cash to put down on a house is nice to have, it is not always an absolute requirement. Here is the information you should…

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